Saturday, February 27, 2010

Reading Reflection5- I'mthinking...

Incredible sadness. Thursday night a 17 year old girl vanished from a park less than two miles from my home. The same community park where I ran a rec basketball league for years and managed hundreds of baseball games. The same park where I spent countless hours with my own children watching them grow up. I've been on the trails she was running hundreds of times. She was a friend to many of the players on my basketball team from last year. I happened on to one of those players last night and she was a wreck. The pain and anguish of the parents must be unbearable. Her bio reads like that of half of the 17 year old kids in the neighborhood, athlete, scholar, ASB, peer counseling, brilliant future to look forward to.........I am not trying to be fatalistic and am praying for a positive outcome here, but I am sad and really angry. I wonder why I have become so anaesthetized to all the travesties and atrocities that surround the world yet beome so moved when it happens in my backyard. Earth can be a pretty screwed up place to be sometimes. Sorry to be such a buzzkill if you read this, but this is what I am thinking..............

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