Sunday, March 7, 2010

Agent Change: McClelland Greg 6 Reading Reflection

See what happens when you do too much reflecting. You turn into a mirror. When I look into the mirror these days I see another mirror. I trust myself. I trust my instincts. I trust my common sense and feel my values are grounded in reason and an overriding premise that the world can be a more peaceful place. I know that when there is compelling circumstance to invoke or initiate change, I will recognize it and act accordingly.

With regards to the chapter by Postman and Weingartner, I am interested in seeing the student's response to the methodology. As they pointed out, the onus on the learner is severe. Invariably, with a class of greater than 30 chemistry students, the odds of having 30 good learners is infinitesimal. Moreover, many of them will have been conditioned to a more conventional paradigm that they have been successful with and may add some resistance. Regardless, I feel the inquiry based learning process should be explored. I have been introduced to the concepts involved in inquiry base instruction and learning. Yet, I don't know what it looks like and am somewhat leery of my mastery of it to use it straight away. If it gets kids to think then I am all for it!!!!!

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